soybean plants


  • Herbicide


  • 2

Freestyle™ herbicide is a flexible solution for early-season weed control in any soybean production system. It provides enhanced residual control of grass and broadleaf weeds, including tough weeds like Eastern black nightshade.


Adds residual

Freestyle adds residual control of broadleaf and grass weeds to your herbicide program

Fits any soybean production system

Soil applied or early post-emergence, Freestyle fits conventional IP soybeans or enhances glyphosate in a GT system

Broad-spectrum and residual season-long weed control

Adds control of weeds such as velvetleaf, Eastern black nightshade and nutsedge



Soybean, Glyphosate Tolerant (Glycine max)

Soybean, IP (Glycine max)


Freestyle is registered for use in Eastern Canada.

  • Registered
  • Unregistered

Freestyle herbicide offers more flexibility and control.

Freestyle makes early-season weed control in soybeans simple and effective, providing enhanced residual control of grass and broadleaf weeds. It also helps defend against weed shifts in minimum or no-till systems.

  • Weeds
  • Healthy soybean leaves

Use Freestyle with glyphosate in GT soybeans for a wider application window and better residual control. In IP soybeans, Freestyle controls a spectrum of grasses and broadleaf weeds. Tank-mixing with glyphosate will help manage hard-to-kill weeds.

Technical Specifications

  • Herbicide Group

    Group 2

  • Rates
    • Pre-plant or pre-emergence: 14.4 g/ac + 125 ml/ac
    • Early post-emergence: 9.6 g/ac + 83 ml/ac

    Acres treated:

    • Pre-plant or pre-emergence: 20 ac/case or 40 ac/case
    • Early post-emergence: 30 ac/case or 60 ac/case

    Water volume: 10-20 US gal/ac

  • Application Timing
    • Glyphosate tolerant soybeans: Pre-plant or pre-emergence
    • Glyphosate tolerant soybeans: Early post-emergence
    • Non-GM soybeans: Early pre-plant to pre-emergence

    Rainfast: 4 hours

  • Packaging


    • Classic 2 x 288 g bottle + 2 x 2.5 L Imazethapyr SL herbicide
  • Mixing Instructions
    1. Fill the sprayer tank with ½ to ¾ of the required amount of water
    2. Continue agitation throughout the mixing and spraying procedure
    3. Add the required amount of Classic™ and allow time for product to fully disperse
    4. Add the required amount Imazethapyr SL and allow time for product to fully disperse
    5. If required, add glyphosate and continue agitation
    6. If not tank-mixing with glyphosate add surfactant
    7. Complete filling the spray tank
  • Tank Mixes

    Glyphosate – burndown or Post-emergence in soybeans

    Boundary® LQD – for IP soybeans

  • Additional Information

    Glyphosate tolerant soybeans – Pre-plant or Pre-emergence (14.4g/ac + 125 mL/ac)

    Apply up to 14 days before planting

    Glyphosate tolerant soybeans – Early Postemergence (9.6 g/ac + 83 mL/ac)

    Apply up to the 3rd trifoliate stage; Tank-mix with 0.67-1 L/ac of a 540 g/L glyphosate

    IP soybeans - Early pre-plant to pre-emergence (14.4 g/ac + 125 mL/ac)

    Tank-mix with a pre-emergence grass herbicide such as Boundary LQD for additional residual and modes of action

    Adjuvants: For control of emerged weeds add a non-ionic surfactant at 2 L/1,000 L of spray solution (0.2% v/v). When tank mixed with a glyphosate herbicide containing a built-in adjuvant system, a non-ionic surfactant is not required.

  • Crop Rotation

    Based on soil pH of ≤ 7.4:

    3 months: winter wheat

    10 months: field corn, soybeans and white beans

  • Additional Information

    Pre-harvest interval: 100 days

Other Products

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