Every season starts with a seed—and every farmer knows that giving that seed the best possible start is the key to a strong, productive crop. At Corteva Agriscience, we know that winning the start means protecting your investment from the moment it goes into the ground.
9 Products Found
Fungicide |
Seed Treatment
LumiGEN® soybean fungicide seed treatment, featuring LumiTreo™ fungicide seed treatment, provides the best, most advanced protection against phytophthora for healthier, more vigorous soybean stands and higher yield potential.
Nematicide |
Seed Treatment
A biological nematicide that shields corn roots from harmful nematodes for over 80 days while cooperating with beneficial organisms to enhance crop vigour and yield potential.
Insecticide |
Seed Treatment
Lumiderm™ insecticide seed treatment provides excellent plant protection against both flea beetles and cutworms in one convenient bag.
Fungicide |
Seed Treatment
Lumiscend™ fungicide seed treatment contains a unique new active ingredient for powerful airborne blackleg protection in canola.
Fungicide |
Seed Treatment
Lumiscend™ Pro fungicide seed treatment provides outstanding, long-lasting protection against seed and soil-borne diseases.
Fungicide |
Seed Treatment
Lumisena™ fungicide seed treatment provides the best protection against phytophthora for healthier, more vigorous soybean stands and higher yield potential.
Insecticide |
Seed Treatment
Your best start begins with the widest range of cereal insect protection. Lumivia CPL™ provides a new mode of action for early season defense against grasshoppers, wireworms, cutworms, armyworms, and pea leaf weevils in cereals, peas, and lentils.
Fungicide |
Seed Treatment
Straxan™ fungicide seed treatment delivers powerful protection against early season seed and soil-borne diseases.