Biological products from Corteva Agriscience offer innovative solutions that complement existing practices, helping farmers improve productivity, manage resistance, enhance profitability, and protect their land for future generations.
5 Products Found
Biostimulant |
Bio-Forge Premier™ enhances plant resilience and protects yield potential in soybean and pulse crops by employing three distinct modes of action to support physical stress recovery.
Biologicals |
Seed Treatment
Fortified Stimulate™ Yield Enhancer contains a combination of critical plant growth hormones, strategically formulated to enhance root development, boost plant growth, and maximize yields.
Biostimulant |
Sugar Mover™ Premier improves sugar distribution within the plant - promoting larger, more robust seeds and boosting flower production for increased yield potential.
Biostimulant |
Increase your crop’s nitrogen use efficiency and boost yield potential with Utrisha N™ nitrogen efficiency biostimulant. This biological product naturally improves plant vitality.
Biostimulant |
X-Cyte™ is designed to increase plant resilience and safeguard yield by proactively protecting crops from heat blast – reducing flower/kernel abortion and pod loss caused by heat stress.