canola and corn

Utrisha™ N

  • Biologicals
  • Biostimulant

Give your crop the nitrogen it needs, when it needs it.


Utrisha™ N nitrogen efficiency biostimulant maximizes crop potential—utilizing natural bacteria to capture and supply nitrogen to plants when they need it the most.


new formulation badge

Ensure your crop is its most productive

What is abiotic stress?

field of cereals


Abiotic stress refers to the environmental pressures that crops face.

This includes drought, extreme heat, cold, and soil salinity. These factors are beyond a farmer's control but can drastically impact plant growth, yield, and overall farm productivity. Understanding abiotic stress is the first step toward finding solutions to protect your crops.

stuggling cob of corn


When crops face abiotic stress, they struggle to grow, reproduce, and produce a healthy yield.

A lack of nutrient availability or exposure to excessive heat, for instance, forces plants into survival mode, leaving them less energy to develop fruits, grains, or seeds. Over time, these challenges can lead to poor crop health and rob you of yield potential.



Advancements in agriculture are helping farmers combat abiotic stress.

From seed applied treatments to soil amendments and innovative biological solutions, these tools are designed to strengthen your crops against environmental extremes. With biological products, you can mitigate the effects of abiotic stress and safeguard your farm’s future.

soybean field

The potential of Biologicals for Canadian farmers

Learn more

What is Utrisha™ N?

Utrisha N logo
Utrisha N is a nutrient efficiency biostimulant.  The natural bacteria, methylobacterium symbioticum, fixes nitrogen from the air and converts it for the plant.

  1. Utrisha N enters the plant through the stomata and colonizes in the leaf cells. 
  2. It then converts N2 from the air into ammonium, resulting in a constant supply of nitrogen to the plant. 
    No plant energy is required for this process.

Utrisha N provides a sustainable, alternative source of nitrogen that reduces dependency of nitrogen uptake from the soil and ensures the plant has access to nitrogen all season long.

biological nitrogen flow diagram
biological nitrogen flow diagram


Improved crop potential

canola close up

Utrisha N maximizes crop potential by increasing nitrogen availability, resulting in healthier and more resilient plants.

Complements a nitrogen fertilizer program

Man inspecting corn in sun

Utrisha N compliments and diversifies a conventional nitrogen fertilizer program by providing nitrogen at critical times during the plant’s life cycle.

Provides peace of mind

sprayer nozzle

The simplest way to provide supplemental nitrogen. Utrisha N ensures your crops stay productive, giving growers peace of mind.

Provides a sustainable source of nitrogen

Corn Field

Utrisha N contains a natural bacteria, providing a sustainable source of nitrogen that reduces dependency of nitrogen uptake from the soil.

Give your crop the nitrogen it needs, when it needs it.

Utrisha N maximizes crop potential – utilizing natural bacteria to capture and supply nitrogen to plants when they need it most.

Utrisha N is a nutrient efficiency biostimulant. The natural bacteria, methylobacterium symbioticum, fixes nitrogen from the air and converts it for the plant. Utrisha N enters the plant through the stomata and colonizes in the leaf cells. It then converts N2 from the air into ammonium, resulting in a constant supply of nitrogen to the plant. No plant energy is required for this process.

Utrisha N provides a sustainable, alternative source of nitrogen that reduces dependency of nitrogen uptake from the soil and ensures the plant has access to nitrogen all season long, without the risk of leaching into water tables or releasing additional greenhouse gasses.


Utrisha N nutrient efficiency biostimulant is an effective solution for the following crops*:


canola icon


cereals icon


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soybeans icon


potatoes icon

*see label for additional crop registrations

Technical Specifications

  • Rates
    • Rate: 135 g/ac (40 ac/bag)
    • Water volume: 10-25 GPA
    • Ground: minimum 40 L/ac (10 US gal/ac)
  • Application Timing
    • Canola: 4 leaf stage until pre-senescence
    • Cereals: 4 leaf stage until pre-senescence
    • Corn: 4 leaf stage until pre-senescence
    • Soybeans: 3 leaf stage until pre-senescence
    • Cabbage, Carrot, Lettuce, Onion: Apply during active growth
    • Cucumbers, Tomatoes: Apply during active growth
    • Grapes: Apply during active growth. Apply annually
    • Pome fruits trees, Stone fruits trees: Apply during active growth. Apply annually
    • Potato: Apply during active growth
    • Strawberry: Apply during active growth. Apply annually

    For best results, apply in early morning when leaf stomata are open.

    Rainfast: 1 hour

  • Packaging

            1 Case: 2 x 5.39 kg bags

  • Additional Information
    • Apply in healthy crops unaffected by poor nutrition or other biotic/abiotic stresses
    • Apply with sufficient plant biomass, when the crop presents good soil coverage
    • Use water with a total chlorine content <1 ppm
    • Use water with a pH between 5 and 8

Other Products

Looking for more options to maximize your acres? Check out these related products.


Western Canada Biologicals Product Guide
Eastern Canada Biologicals Product Guide

Before use and for complete product information, please read and follow label directions.