Corteva Agriscience™ provides a variety of IPM options to protect your crops from insect damage and ensure insecticide products remain effective for years to come.
10 Products Found
Apply Closer™ when insect outbreaks occur for quick control of aphids and sap-feeding insects.
Delegate™ provides long-lasting control of a broad spectrum of insects in fruit, vegetable and field crops. Delegate is an excellent fit in Integrated Pest Management programs.
Entrust™ insecticide provides the performance organic growers have come to trust.
GF-120 is a high-performance, highly attractive bait for cherry fruit flies.
Use Intrepid™ for effective control of lepidopterous pests without adversely affecting beneficial insect populations.
Insecticide |
Seed Treatment
Lumiderm™ insecticide seed treatment provides excellent plant protection against both flea beetles and cutworms in one convenient bag.
Insecticide |
Seed Treatment
Your best start begins with the widest range of cereal insect protection. Lumivia CPL™ provides a new mode of action for early season defense against grasshoppers, wireworms, cutworms, armyworms, and pea leaf weevils in cereals, peas, and lentils.
Success™ is a revolutionary insecticide, active on several important insects, with a unique mode of action.
Nematicide |
Vydate™ insecticide provides effective control of various pests including Colorado potato beetle and nematodes.