Wheat stalk close-up

Crop Protection You Know and Trust

Our strong portfolio of crop protection products helps you overcome today’s challenges improving your yields and increasing your profits.

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Acapela™ is a unique group 11 fungicide that controls white mould. Its unique movement properties provide complete coverage and superior protection for healthier crops, with higher yield potential.

Accent™ IS


Accent IS herbicide delivers outstanding control of annual and perennial grass weeds in field corn, seed corn and sweet corn.

Amity WDG


The herbicide option for Clearfield® canola in the Peace Country.

Ares™ SN


The performance standard in weed control for Clearfield® canola.



Aspect™ herbicide provides vegetation managers with extended control of woody species and broadleaf weeds.

Attain XC


Attain™ XC provides extra-concentrated excellence on 40 of today’s toughest broadleaf weeds in all soil zones in Western Canada.



Avenza is powerful broadleaf weed control combined with trusted Group 1 chemistry.

Bio-Forge Premier™

Biostimulant |


Bio-Forge Premier™ enhances plant resilience and protects yield potential in soybean and pulse crops by employing three distinct modes of action to support physical stress recovery.

Broadstrike™ RC


Use Broadstrike™ RC in conventional, conservation tillage or no-till corn and soybean production systems to control a wide range of broadleaf weeds.

Canopy PRO


Early-season weed control in GT and IP soybeans just got easier.

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West Field Guide

silos in the sun

For a comprehensive listing of Corteva Agriscience products available in Western Canada, download the Western Canada Field Guide.








East Field Guide

crops in hexagons

For a comprehensive listing of Corteva Agriscience products available in Eastern Canada, download the Eastern Canada Field Guide








Corteva Agriscience Western Canada Unregistered Supported Tank Mixes

man filling a tank

Corteva Agriscience will support the unregistered tank mixes found in this document in addition to all tank mixes that are presently included on product labels or approved by the PMRA.  










Ready to Protect Your Crops

Increase the health and performance of your plants with our powerful range of effective crop protection solutions.

The Ultimate Anti-Foamer

Prevent foaming beore it happens with Halt. Neutral antifoaming Agent For Use With Herbicide Spray Mixtures. Many tank mixes foam considerably when spray mixtures are prepared. A few drops of Halt added to the spray tank will stop foaming. Halt may be added to the spray tank during or after filling.


Halt anti-foaming agent