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Powerful broadleaf weed control combined with trusted Group 1 grass chemistry for wheat and barley farmers.
Get control of the widest range of annual broadleaf weeds including kochia (Group 2 and Group 9 resistant), narrow-leaved hawk’s-beard, wild buckwheat, Canada thistle, perennial sow thistle and dandelion with rotational freedom to lentils or chickpeas the following year
Tank mixed with MCPA Ester, get multi-mode of action control of many key broadleaf weeds
Crop safe, flexible, group 1 control of wild oats, barnyard grass, and more
Below lists the crops that Avenza herbicide can be used on.
Wheat, Spring Seeded (Triticum aestivum)
Winter Wheat
Avenza Herbicide + 235 ml/ac of MCPA Ester 600 (5 oz/ac)
*Suppression only when tank mixed with MCPA Ester.
**Weed controlled by multi-mode of action when tank mixed with MCPA Ester at 5 oz per acre.
Get crop-safe, flexible Group 1 control of broadleaf and grass weeds for your barley with Avenza™ cross-spectrum herbicide from Corteva Agriscience™. Protect your yield from wild oats, perennial sow thistle, kochia and many more, with the rotational
Water Volume:
Rainfast: 2 Hours
Crop stage: 3-leaf to just prior to flag leaf emergence.
240 ac Bulk Pack:
MCPA Ester 600
Before use and for complete product information, please read and follow label directions.