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Use Broadstrike™ RC in conventional, conservation tillage or no-till corn and soybean production systems to control a wide range of broadleaf weeds.
Broadstrike RC herbicide controls a wide range of broadleaf weeds and has the ability to tank mix with glyphosate.
Below lists the crops that Broadstrike RC herbicide can be used on.
Corn, Field (Zea mays ssp. mays)
Soybean (Glycine max)
Field corn (25 g/ac):
Soybeans (35 g/ac):
1 Populations resistant to Group 2 herbicides exist in certain areas of Eastern Canada. Broadstrike RC alone may not control all weed biotypes resistant to Group 2 herbicides.
2 Suppression
3 If weed pressure in soybeans is heavy, tank mix with another product that provides a different mode of action.
4 Including triazine-tolerant biotypes
Case: 12 x 0.715 kg bottles
Acres treated:
Water volume: 10-20 US gal/ac
Soybeans: Surface Pre-plant, pre-plant incorporated, pre-emergence
Field corn: Surface Pre-plant, pre-emergence, pre-plant incorporated, early post-emergence
Rainfast: 2 hours
Group 2
Field Corn:
4 months: winter wheat
10 months: spring wheat, spring barley, oats, soybeans, common beans (dry, snap), lima beans, processing peas, field corn and seed corn
Rotational crop restrictions: Following an application of Broadstrike RC in a dry year, the risk of injury to rotational crops may increase in light-textured soils containing less than 2% organic matter due to a higher bioavailability of herbicide residues for plant uptake
Apply Broadstrike RC in conventional, conservation tillage or no-till corn, and soybean production systems.
Field corn: Do not apply to areas where the soil pH is greater than 7.8 or where the soil organic matter is less than 2.0%.
Soybeans: Do not apply to areas where the soil pH is greater than 7.8 and organic matter is less than 2% (both apply) as this may result in decreased crop tolerance.
The PHI is 90 days.
Before use and for complete product information, please read and follow label directions.