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Canopy™ PRO herbicide is your best defense against early-season weeds. As a pre-emergence herbicide with two modes of action and broad-spectrum residual activity it will help slay your toughest weeds. Canopy PRO helps you manage weed resistance and early-season weed competition to help maximize early-season control of tough weeds.
Canopy PRO can be used pre-plant or pre-emergence in a variety of tillage situations, including no-till, conservation tillage or conventional tillage. Canopy PRO is also a solid agronomic choice because it will reduce weed populations through the critical first to third trifoliate growth stages. This provides increased flexibility for in-crop herbicide timing.
For use in glyphosate-tolerant (GT) and identity-preserved (IP) soybeans.
Soybean, Glyphosate Tolerant (Glycine max)
Soybean, IP (Glycine max)
When weeds invade, strike back hard with Canopy PRO pre-emergence herbicide for glyphosate-tolerant and IP soybeans, including Roundup Ready 2 Xtend.
Canopy PRO is a flexible pre-emergence herbicide with two modes-of-action. It combines Classic (chlorimuron-ethyl) and a 75% DF metribuzin to deliver powerful burndown & residual action on many early-emerging broadleaf weeds, plus 9 annual grasses.
Group 2
Group 5
Acres treated:
Water volume:
Case: Classic 2 x 288 g bottles + Metribuzin Mx 2 x 4.5 kg jugs
When to apply
PRE: Apply after planting but prior to crop emergence
Pre-Plant Burndown: Apply up to 14 days before planting
Rainfast: 2 hours
*Only for use in Enlist E3™ soybeans
The recropping intervals are dependent on the pH of the soil, as well as the sensitivity of the specific rotational crop. Consult product labels for rotation intervals across a full range of soil pH levels.
Soil pH <= to 7.4:
See product label for full list of crop rotation guidelines.
Formulated as a dry flowable granule to be mixed in water and applied as uniform broadcast spray. Only apply using ground equipment. This product is not registered for aerial application.
The PHI is 60 days.
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Before use and for complete product information, please read and follow label directions.