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Enlist™ 1 herbicide with COLEX-D™ technology, a standalone 2,4-D choline formulation provides the flexibility to tank-mix and adjust the rates of glyphosate or glufosinate for hard-to-control and resistant weeds.
Why use Enlist 1 Herbicide?
Enlist 1 with Colex-D technology is designed to land and stay on target with excellent performance on the toughest weeds
Enlist 1 allows you to customize use rates and ratios of tank-mix partners
Enlist 1 can be tank-mixed with glyphosate (group 9), Liberty® 200 SN (glufosinate, group 10), or other approved products
Use Enlist 1 to control tough weeds in Enlist E3 soybeans or Enlist corn.
1 Including glyphosate-tolerant and Clearfield canola varieties.
2 Top growth control only.
2,4-D Choline: 331 g/ac
Group 4
Acres treated (0.73 L/ac rate):
Water volume:
Do not exceed 1.46 L/ac per use season.
Eastern Canada:
Western Canada:
2 hours
On-Target Application Requirements
Droplet Size: Coarse to extremely coarse (ASAE S-572 Standard) to greatly reduce drift potential.
Boom Height: 60 cm or less.
Wind: 3-16 km/hr. Do not spray during a temperature inversion. Do not spray in winds that exceed 25 km/h.
Enlist corn: Make 1 to 2 applications with a minimum of 12 days between applications before the V8 growth stage.
Enlist E3 soybeans: Make 1 to 2 applications with a minimum of 12 days between applications. Apply up to R2 stage.
Consult the Product Use Guide
Registered tank mixes:
Supported tank mixes:
Control of volunteer Enlist corn in Enlist E3 soybeans:
Any crop may be grown the year following an application of Enlist™ 1 herbicide.
Pre-harvest interval:
Enlist E3 soybeans: Do not harvest for forage or hay.
Do not graze treated Enlist E3 soybeans.
Enlist corn: Do not permit lactating dairy animals to graze fields within 7 days after application. Do not harvest forage or cut hay within 30 days after application. Withdraw meat animals from treated fields at least 3 days before slaughter.
Looking for superior genetics with industry-leading traits? Explore our Enlist hybrids.
Before use and for complete product information, please read and follow label directions. Enlist 1®, Enlist™ and Colex-D® Technology are trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and affiliated companies.
For Stewardship reasons, following burndown, the only 2,4-D-containing herbicide product that may be used with Enlist crops are products that feature Colex-D Technology and are expressly labeled for use on Enlist crops. Enlist Duo features Colex-D technology and is labeled for use on Enlist soybeans and Enlist Corn in Canada.
The transgenic soybean event in Enlist E3® soybeans is jointly developed and owned by Corteva Agriscience LLC and M.S. Technologies L.L.C.
Enlist Duo® and Enlist™ 1 are the only 2,4-D products authorized for use with Enlist™ crops. Consult Enlist herbicide labels for weed species controlled. Always read and follow label directions.
LIBERTY is a registered trade-mark of BASF, used under license by BASF Canada Inc. © 2020 BASF Canada Inc.