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New Glyphosate-Resistant Problem. New Solution. Meet Diligent™.
Protect your soybeans from waterhemp and other weeds with Diligent™ herbicide. Waterhemp is a new, aggressive, glyphosate-resistant weed that has swept across the Midwest and made its way into Ontario and Quebec. Diligent™ provides the defense you need, plus the flexibility to tank-mix with glyphosate and other residual herbicides. Don’t let waterhemp mess with your yield.
It can be applied from early pre-plant to pre-emergence
With a multi-mode defense against Group 2, 5 and 9 resistant broadleaf weeds, Diligent provides a proactive approach to weed resistance management.
Diligent can be used in any production system, including Enlist E3™ soybeans, Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybeans or identity-preserved (IP).
Diligent can be applied on the following crops:
1 Early-season control on medium-textured soils
2 Suppression
3 Including biotypes resistant to herbicide Groups 2, 5 and 9
Group 2, Group 14
Rates: Diligent: 70.4 g/ac
Acres treated: 40 ac/2.816 kg jug
Water volume: 10-20 US gal/ac
2 x 2.816 kg jugs
When to Apply:
Pre-plant: up to 30 days before planting
Pre-emergence: Up to 3 days after planting, prior to soybeanemergence
Rainfast: 2 hours
Pre-harvest interval: 60 days
If weeds are present at the time of application, tank mix Diligent herbicide with a glyphosate herbicide for the burndown of emerged weeds.
Crop rotation varies by crop and soil pH.
4 months: winter wheat
10 months: field corn (soil pH ≤ 7.8 only) and soybeans (soil pH ≤ 7.8 only)
11 months: alfalfa (soil pH ≤ 7.4 only)
No-till planters that incorporate the soil during planting may result in decreased weed control in the row. When these types of planters are used, apply Diligent Herbicide within 3 days after planting and before soybeans emerge.
Moisture is necessary to activate Diligent Herbicide in soil for residual weed control.
Before use and for complete product information, please read and follow label directions.