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With residual activity and control of tough perennial broadleaf weeds, Classic™ herbicide is a popular choice for growers of identity-preserved (IP), conventional and glyphosate-tolerant (GT) soybeans.
Classic helps you manage some of the toughest weeds including nutsedge, sow-thistle and dandelions.
Low use rate and easy to tank-mix with PRE and POST herbicides.
Classic has a wide window of application from 14 days pre-plant up to early post-emergence.
Soybean (Glycine max)
Weeds controlled at 14.4 g/ac + Non-Ionic surfactant at 0.2% v/v
*Provides Dandelion top growth control only (4 to 6 weeks)
Additional weeds controlled when tank-mixed with glyphosate at 900 g ae/ha
Refer to the Product Label for complete product efficacy information.
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14.4 g/acre
Acres treated:
Water volume: 15-20 US gal/ac
Soil applied: Apply 14 days pre-plant up to pre-emergence
Post-emergence: Apply from soybean emergence up to just before the initiation of flowering. For best performance apply by the 3rd trifoliate stage
Rainfast: 2 hours
The recropping intervals are dependent on the pH of the soil, as well as the sensitivity of the specific rotational crop. Consult product labels for rotation intervals across a full range of soil pH levels.
3-4 months: winter wheat
10 months: field corn, white beans, soybeans and alfalfa (soil pH value <7.4 only)
11 months: cabbage, garden peas and sweet corn (Southern Ontario only, pH value <7.0 only)
12 months: tomatoes
Rotational crop restrictions: Warning: sweet corn varieties may vary in their sensitivity to Classic residues.
The PHI is 60 days
3Only for use in Enlist E3™ soybeans
Add a registered NIS such as Agral 90® or Ag-Surf® at 2 L per 1,000 L of spray solution (0.2% v/v).
For more consistent control of velvetleaf, add 28% UAN at 0.8 L/ac
For tank-mixes with glyphosate, a non-ionic surfactant is not required.
Apply Classic only once per year.
Before use and for complete product information, please read and follow label directions.