Agronomy •  2024-06-10

Integrated Crop Protection Solutions for Soybeans

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As a soybean grower, every decision you make is geared toward achieving that one result: a high quality, high yielding crop.

The thing is, every year is different – different variety, different weeds and different disease pressures – which means there is no one perfect “recipe” for growing an outstanding soybean crop year after year. You need to make seed and input decisions based on these always-changing parameters, and Corteva stands ready to help.

Our industry leading portfolio lets you choose from a wide range of crop protection products that take you seamlessly from pre-plant through to harvest on each individual soybean field you have, no matter the trait system, the weed or disease problems you face.

That’s how our Integrated Solutions for soybeans works – we help you choose what’s right for your fields. Whether you are growing conventional soybeans or herbicide tolerant varieties such as Enlist(TM) E3 soybeans, an integrated approach considers all the tools you can use to reduce your risk and optimize the genetic potential of your selected varieties. Our Program Approach to weed management in Enlist E3 soybeans employs both PRE and POST herbicides, allowing you to reach for the highest possible yields.

Starting the season strong, means protecting your seed from disease and insect pests. Phytophthora is the number one disease in soybeans and Lumisena™ is an advanced fungicide seed treatment that provides young soybean plants with the best protection against phytophthora for healthier root development and stronger plant stands. Our new LumiGEN® soybean fungicide seed treatment featuring LumiTreo™ provides a complete solution to all early season complexes including Pythium, Rhizoctonia, and Fusarium, using a unique combination of four highly effective modes of action, including Oxathiapiprolin, the active ingredient in Lumisena. To protect against robbing early season pests including bean leaf beetle and soybean aphid, Lumiderm™ insecticide seed treatment provides broad spectrum protection and delivers uniform healthy stands to maximize yield potential.

More than ever, an integrated approach to weed management helps you optimize yield while keeping ahead of herbicide resistant weeds. For the ever-growing problem of glyphosate-resistant Canada fleabane, we offer  for the best early-season defense and residual activity against a long list of broadleaf and grassy weeds. And waterhemp is the latest weed problem rapidly expanding across Ontario and Quebec. Because of its long germination period, a proactive pre-plant or pre-emergence herbicide program is essential. Diligent™ herbicide, powered by a group 14 herbicide, is your solution to manage waterhemp through the critical weed free period. Canopy PRO™ pre-emergence herbicide for the best early-season defense and residual activity against a long list of broadleaf and grassy weeds.

Some of the hardest to control weeds like yellow nutsedge, sow thistle and wild carrot, may be problems limited to one field and require a specialist approach. Classic™ herbicide is particularly effective against hard-to-control weeds like these, while also giving you the convenience of being able to tank mix with many pre- and post- herbicides, and the flexibility to apply it from pre-plant right up to V5. Classic is a versatile option for fields with unique weed profiles. 

The most pressing disease problem facing Eastern Canada is white mould. And this disease requires careful product selection and good timing to protect soybeans during the critical flowering period. Corteva can help with our leading portfolio, featuring Acapela™ fungicide and new Viatude™ fungicide with two effective modes of action and two of the most powerful white mould active ingredients. Applied between R1 and R3, Corteva’s fungicides will protect your soybeans from white mould and other key diseases.

Ensuring your soybean crop has the nitrogen it needs, when it needs it the most, is critical during the growing season as nitrogen requirements increase as the plant grows. Utrisha™ N nutrient efficiency biostimulant contains a natural bacteria that fixes nitrogen from the air and converts it into a usable form for the plant, ensuring the plant has access to the nitrogen it needs as it grows – all season long. Used to complement and diversify a conventional nitrogen program – Utrisha N maximizes crop potential by increasing nitrogen availability, resulting in healthier and more resilient soybean plants.

Our Integrated Solutions promise. You want the best in crop protection for your crops and we deliver with a comprehensive lineup of seed and crop protection solutions that meet your specific needs – field by field, crop by crop.

We want what you want – high yields and excellent crop quality – and we are committed to helping you achieve that. 

To learn more about our integrated solutions for soybean growers, including pests controlled and application timing, download our infographic.