Agronomy •  2023-11-01

Why you should think differently about your fertilizer in 2024

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fertilizer spilling from a brown bag onto the grass

The most important crop nutrient – nitrogen – is essential for plant survival and a key element for optimal crop health. When it comes to ensuring your crops are optimizing nutrients, there’s a new option that provides supplemental nitrogen to key crops throughout the growing cycle: Utrisha™ N.

Nitrogen is frequently applied to soil in the form of urea granules. In warm growing conditions, as much as 30% of this nitrogen can be lost to volatilization in the absence of stabilizers. Now, farmers can take a new approach to fertilizer crop nutrients with biological products.

Crops like corn require nitrogen at all developmental stages. As corn matures, it requires a large increase in nitrogen demand in late spring and early summer. Seasonal weather conditions can lead to a loss of nitrogen from the soil, which can be minimized with soil nitrogen stabilizers. Utrisha N biological product not only adds supplemental nitrogen directly to crops at the time of greatest demand but provides additional nitrogen for the remainder of the season. Utrisha N effectively and quickly colonizes the entire plant by entering through open stomata of vegetative tissues. This allows Utrisha N to be applied to crops, such as corn, as early as V4 or later vegetative stages.

A new way to leverage nutrients to boost yield, Utrisha™ N is an effective way to enhance nitrogen use efficiency. Bacteria in Utrisha N constantly supply nitrogen in conditions where soil sources of nitrogen are limited or inconsistent. Results from corn grower field scale trials in Eastern and Western Canada in 2021 and 2022 showed Utrisha N delivered a positive yield response with an average increase of 5.4 bu/ac 65% of the time.

As a nutrient efficiency biostimulant, Utrisha N provides a sustainable, alternative source of nitrogen that reduces dependency of nitrogen uptake from the soil and ensures the plant has access to nitrogen all season long, without the risk of leaching into water tables or releasing additional greenhouse gases.

Now available in a new formulation, Utrisha N offers more flexibility with a longer application window and tank mix options.

Maximizing crop potential through improved season long nitrogen management, Utrisha N provides proven, predictable performance. Interested in learning more about how Utrisha N Nitrogen Efficiency Biostimulant can change the way you think about fertilizer and increase your yield potential? Contact your local Corteva Agriscience™ Territory Manager.