Agronomy •  2023-01-23

Considering boosting your N program with biologicals?

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Nitrogen (N) is arguably one of the most critical inputs for Canadian crops. It’s the key nutrient that affects yield and plant health. But it has limitations.

For years, farmers have been experiencing nitrogen loss into the environment, an especially expensive hit with today’s fertilizer costs. Any applied N that isn’t stabilized in the root zone or utilized by the crop can be lost through leaching, denitrification, or volatilization, and is especially significant during early crop growing stages when root systems haven’t fully developed. Nitrogen leaching can negatively impact ground and surface water quality. The denitrification process can also lead to atmospheric pollution.

A 25% loss of applied nitrogen is common across most fields, reaching as high as 50-60% in some situations.

The good news, is farmers now have new options to enhance their nitrogen program, increasing nitrogen efficiency and plant uptake. Known as biologicals, these new options work to ensure the plant has the nitrogen it requires, when and where it needs it.

If you’ve been thinking about adding biological products to your nitrogen program, you are in good company. Corteva Agriscience conducted a survey of 795 Canadian farmers in 2022 and most of them reported they are ready to diversity their crop fertilizer programs with more natural products, like biologicals.

  • 95% of farmer survey respondents said that sustainable crop inputs are important to them
  • 89% of Canadian farmers surveyed reported that their crop could benefit from a supplemental source of nitrogen
  • 78% of respondents said they are concerned about loss of nitrogen in their fertility program

An additional 79% of farmers surveyed said that they are either using or interested in learning more about biological and biostimulant products. The results are clear, Canadian farmers are ready to diversity their crop fertilizer programs to help them grow healthier and more profitable crops – so what options are available?

Biostimulants work by stimulating natural processes in the plant to enhance nutrient use efficiency, metabolism and/or plant stress mitigation., helping to maximize crop productivity. Utrisha™ N is a nutrient efficiency biostimulant that uses a natural bacterium, methylobacterium symbioticum to fix nitrogen from the air and convert it into a usable form for the plant.

Utrisha N ensures the plant has access to nitrogen all season long, without the risk of leaching

Utrisha N ensures the plant has access to nitrogen all season long, without the risk of leaching.

Through this unique, natural process, Utrisha N supplies a continuous, sustainable source of nitrogen to the plant, and complements existing nitrogen fertilizer by providing an available, sustainable source of nitrogen when the plant needs it.

How Utrisha N Works:

  • Utrisha N enters the plant through the stomata and colonizes in the leaf cells
  • Then it converts N2 from the air into ammonium, resulting in a constant supply of nitrogen to the plant
  • No plant energy is required for this process.

Benefits of Utrisha N: Provides a sustainable, alternative source of nitrogen that reduces dependency of nitrogen uptake from the soil and ensures the plant has access to nitrogen all season long, without the risk of leaching into water tables or releasing additional greenhouse gases.