Agronomy •  2024-02-16

How to build a better nitrogen program

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The best nitrogen (N) program provides crops with the nitrogen it needs when it needs it. To do that, farmers can diversify their fertilizer program with a biostimulant to provide nitrogen at critical times throughout a plant’s life cycle.

Adding a biological product like Utrisha™ N to a nitrogen program can increase the availability of nitrogen while maximizing crop potential by utilizing natural bacteria to capture and supply nitrogen to plants when they need it the most.

Utrisha nitrogen flow through corn plant 

Critical for crop development

Nitrogen is the key nutrient that affects yield and plant health. Without a sustainable supply, farmers risk losing valuable crop quality and yield that can easily add up to financial losses.

As a foliar product, Utrisha N enters plants through the stomata and begin colonizing and translocating within the plant. It can start fixing nitrogen in just a few days and continue for as long as it's in the plant, supplying nitrogen throughout the entire crop cycle.

The ability to provide a steady supply of nitrogen throughout the plant’s life is especially important for [SD1] corn and soybean production to prevent the crop from being limited as it moves into the reproductive stage. A consistent supply of nitrogen will help allow both corn and soybeans to maximize potential through improved, season long nutrient management. By increasing nitrogen availability, the addition of Utrisha N can result in healthier and more resilient plants.

Application timing for soybeans is three-leaf until pre-senescence and the application for corn and cereals is from four-leaf to pre-senescence.

Why choose Utrisha N?

Utrisha N provides a sustainable, alternative source of nitrogen that reduces dependency of nitrogen uptake from the soil and ensures the plant has access to nitrogen all season long, without the risk of leaching into water tables or releasing additional greenhouse gases.

Not only can adding Utrisha N maximize crop potential, the easy-to-use biological also complements and diversifies any conventional nitrogen fertilizer program. The simplest way to provide supplemental nitrogen, Utrisha N also provides peace of mind that crops can continue to be the most productive and allows growers to maximize and more efficiently manage their nitrogen investment while reducing their carbon footprint.


Utrisha N can be a complementary and sustainable nitrogen management option that can easily be incorporated into any crop production plan. With a broad application window and flexibility, the biological can be applied as a foliar application and tank-mixed with many herbicides and fungicides.

With a dry powder formulation, Utrisha N can be stored for more than one year at a wide range of temperatures and has a wide application window that provides mid-season flexibility.

Build Utrisha N into your crop nutrition plan

Is this the year you increase your crop’s nitrogen use efficiency and boost your yield potential with Utrisha N nitrogen efficiency optimizer? Learn more by reading this Utrisha N Supported Tank Mix List or talk to your local retailer, agronomist or Corteva Agriscience Retail Territory Manager for more information about how to add Utrisha N to your crop nutrition plant.