Problem weeds
Resistant weeds like waterhemp, common ragweed and Canada fleabane, are currently the most concerning. As of January 2023, herbicide tolerant waterhemp was confirmed in 18 counties across Ontario.1 Waterhemp’s ability to develop resistance to five chemical groups, including glyphosate, is most alarming. The same goes for common ragweed, where 25 counties across Ontario have identified resistant common ragweed as of April 2023.
The discovery of Palmer amaranth in Ontario this summer is also concerning. A pigweed species, Palmer amaranth, is an invasive weed that affects multiple crops, grows quickly, causes crop yield and quality damage, and can quickly develop herbicide resistance. U.S. farmers have been dealing with this problem weed for years, and confirms Palmer amaranth can be resistant to up to nine different modes of action. Many Palmer amaranth populations are multiple resistant, and in 2021 a population that was resistant to six different herbicide modes of action (multiple resistant to: WSSA groups 2, 5,6 ,9 ,14 and 27) was discovered in the United States.2
Take action
As herbicide tolerant weeds adapt, farmers need to take a program approach to reduce the risk of developing herbicide resistant weeds and manage any that do develop. Management strategies include following best management practices (BMPs) to manage resistance and protect crop yield and quality.
Adopting a program approach to weed management, like the responsible use and stewardship of the Enlist® Weed Control System that includes Enlist™ corn, Enlist E3™ soybeans, and Enlist™ herbicides will help ensure good agronomics, optimum yields and a sustainable system. A program approach means using pre-emergence residual herbicides with different modes of action followed by Enlist™ herbicides post-emergence.
It’s critical to adopt best practices to manage resistance and protect crop yield and quality today, to ensure sustainable crop production for the future. Herbicide resistance costs Canadian growers an estimated $1.1 to $1.5 billion annually due to increased herbicide use and decreased yield and quality 3. Resistance best management practices (BMPs) can include a combination of cultural, mechanical, biological, and chemical control measures.
BMPs to consider include crop rotation, cover crops, mixing and rotating herbicides and actives, following label instructions like recommended rates and timing, tillage and diligent scouting. Testing is available for suspected herbicide resistance. Click here for sampling instructions and information.