Agronomy •  2021-03-24

Pioneer Protector® brand canola and Acapela™ fungicide, the perfect pair

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Pioneer and Acapela make the perfect pairing

Western Canadian canola farmers continue to improve their yields and increase their profits. A key to their success has been the transition to a whole-acre approach – investing in the best seed technology and protecting that investment with the industry’s most advanced crop protection solutions.

Pioneer agronomic trait canola hybrids have long been renowned for their high yields, performance and protection with genetics that are fine-tuned to deliver top yields in a variety of growing conditions. However, to lock in those sky high yields this growing season, it’s important for farmers to pair their high-performing hybrid with Acapela™ fungicide, an advanced crop protection solution from Corteva Agriscience™.

Here are a few reasons why Acapela and Pioneer brand canola make the perfect pair:

Sclerotinia Protection (What it does)

Acapela is the only group 11 fungicide that controls sclerotinia in canola, and while we don’t have sclerotinia resistance at the moment, it’s wise to rotate your fungicides - especially when you don’t have to sacrifice yield. Best applied at 20-to-50 per cent canola bloom, Acapela provides superior disease protection so you can maximize your yield.

Healthier Crops (How it does it)

Acapela has four unique movement properties that quickly and efficiently surround, penetrate and protect the leaf and stem to prevent infection on the entire plant. This leads to more consistent performance, healthier crops and higher yield potential in your Pioneer Protector brand canola. Rapid absorption also means the broad-spectrum herbicide moves quickly into and within each plant, allowing application to occur even when field conditions are challenging.

Local Testing (How we prove it)

Over 1,000 plots and trials in Western Canada give you the knowledge and confidence that Pioneer brand products are bred and tested locally, to optimize success where it matters most – on your farm. Growers get high yielding, consistently performing canola hybrids with the benefit of the Pioneer Protector traits, which include clubroot and blackleg resistance and options for harvest.

When you add it all up, pairing agronomic trait canola with Acapela fungicide is the perfect disease control strategy for growers in Western Canada, providing the complete coverage and superior protection you need to out-yield the doubters this growing season.

To learn more about this pairing, visit your retailer or and